Cal Poly SLO Transfer Thread for Fall 2023

Well yesterday was a bust so let’s go for the second wave of acceptances today!!! I don’t know about y’all but the anticipation is wearing me thin lol

Major: Aerospace Engineering (Materials Engineering secondary)
GPA: 3.59
AS / AS-T: AS in Engineering / AS-T in Mathematics
Pre-reqs: Yes and all desired courses complete; 104 transferable units and will be CSU GE certified this Summer
Golden Four: Yes
Work related experience: Yes
Local: Yes

I feel your pain, I’m on round three myself and am region locked. My next closest option is UC Davis but it would be a 4 hour drive each way from my house :tired_face:

Anything today for anyone?

nothing yet. i would think it would be today but who knows

They’re really going to drag this out until Friday aren’t they? :face_with_spiral_eyes:

Hey are you guys sure there are two waves? Or will the next message be a rejection/waitlist

i’m like 99% sure there will be don’t worry

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Fall 2023 Projections came out. Find your major and look at the NTR Target column for about how many spots are available.

This thread doesn’t allow links; google ‘cal poly 2023-2024 projections’

wait i’m confused for how this works. for political science it says there are only 10 spots under the NTR section but i feel like there would be more :woman_standing:t4:

NTR Apps are how many transfer students applied for that major and NTR Targets are how many spots they are trying to fill. Most of their quotas are for FTF (First time freshman) I see 15 for poli sci, they took 10 transfer students last year.

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whoa that’s stressful. i thought it would be way more. honestly if more acceptances don’t come out tomorrow i’m just going to assume i didn’t get in

Poly Sci transfers do say their target for this year is 15, but Poly seems to hang around a 50% yield rate for new transfers so I would guess they would have to offer admission to around 30 applicants to reach that 15. Unless I’m reading something completely wrong. Good luck to everyone still waiting.


If you look at the targets vs actual data for years prior it’s pretty consistent actually. Pretty much plus/minus one difference. It’s all there in the projections pdf. My major is heavily impacted as well so I feel the pain too lol

I wish admissions were more transparent about how they select applicants too :expressionless:


Man, I have like no hope now of getting in lol. Thankfully, SDSU let me in today so I’m ok if I don’t get into SLO.

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I was always under the impression that transferring from a CC would give better chances of admission, but my major’s target is 100 freshman and only 3 transfers lmao. It’s pretty discouraging.

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At most schools it does, but Cal Poly’s student retention rate is ridiculously high. Architectural Engineering, Public Health, and English seem to be the worst this year.

I got in too! I’m so relieved and totally considering it. Maybe it’s a sign


Accepted for Materials Engineering in portal about 30 minutes ago, stats are posted above. Good luck to everybody still waiting!