Cal Poly SLO wait list

On the Cal poly SLO application it does ask for # of hours you spend on EC’s, if you had a leadership position and if you have a job related to your major.

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They accepted more like 12% but that is still very competitive. They need to admit more students than spots.

Anybody hear back from waitlist yet?
Im still waitlisted in Software Engineering, really hoping for some good news.

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It seems like there should be some movement this week. Good luck to all

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Has anyone heard anything?

I just want to hear back, after all the people that dropped their admission on may 1. Haven’t seen freshman or transfer get off since prior to may 1…

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Did people get off the waitlist before May 1st or are you talking about people who got off for regular decision?

There were a few that were taken off the waitlist in late March/early April.

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Just posing a question for y’all, due to the fact waitlist spots did not open yet after may 1 deadline yet. Do you think that possibly the lack of waitlist movement in the last few weeks is possibly due to cal poly waiting for hs/college-transfers semesters to end? Over the last year I read that the drop rate/pass rate for both college courses and high school courses were at alarming levels. Just wondering if there’s a chance that cal poly, especially for transfers, are waiting for waitlisted applicants to finish courses before offering admittance?

Has anyone on here heard back since May 1st?

No - I don’t think so.

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someone on the ucsd waitlist said cal poly is known for sending waitlist offers at the very end of june- so usually they send it late so I would expect it’s somewhere around that time


well ig i was wrong AHAHA has anyone heard anything back from cal poly?

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Obviously nobody is getting off the wait list. Why does CP not send the rejections?

Cal Poly waitlist email said they would inform one way or the other by July 15. I guess they must have been waiting for the UCs and other colleges to be done with their waitlists to see how many students committed to Cal Poly would go for these other options. However, since all the UCs are done with their waitlists for at least last 2 weeks and have hardly admitted any students from the waitlists, it beats me why they have not yet sent out the rejections. In any case, I assume the rejections will come in the next few days.

Having said that, I do think there may be some less competitive majors (not CS, SE or CE) which may have a very very small number of students admitted off the waitlist. It is also possible that they may already have been admitted but the number is so small that no one has mentioned it here. After all, only a fraction of waitlisted students/parents are here.

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Obviously nobody should be banking on getting off any waitlist at this point but Cal Poly did say that the waitlist would be active till July 15th. I’d guess there will be few if any folks taken off that waitlist but it’s not impossible to think some will. Cal Poly competes for applicants with many prestigious schools, especially in STEM majors (Standard, UCLA, Cal etc.) There have been waitlist admits to those schools over the past few weeks/months. Its likely that some of the students who committed to Cal Poly in April/May decommitted when they were admitted off other waitlists. There are other reasons why some may decommitt. They should notify one way or another within a week.

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T-2 for CPSLO to send out rejections to waitlisted students

Do we know if anyone has been accepted off the waitlist?

No one has posted they have been accepted from the SLO waitlist since Late March/Early April.

Either today, tomorrow or Thursday. One way or the other they have to send the news, positive or negative :slight_smile:

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