Cal Poly SLO wait list

No reports of applicants getting off the WL on Reddit either.

My son is still on the waitlist and hasn’t heard anything one way or another. Sadly, he’s moved on from my alma mater but if by some miracle he were to get good news I’d put on a full court press to get him to reconsider :wink:

I hope SLO comes through for your S and family. Best of luck.

We’ve now visited and re-visited your alma mater 3 or 4 times now, in fact, we were just down there around the 4th of July and we REALLY love the whole area. I keep telling my D that I wish that I had went to SLO. She’s very lucky.


Almost the reverse situation here. Son is on waitlist for Cal Poly and has accepted UCSC. He would like to go to Cal Poly if he gets accepted because his best friend is going there but is fine going to UCSC. As parents we would like UCSC because it is nearer to us - just 50 minutes drive and can even Uber back home some weekends. Cal Poly is not too far though - around 3 hours away. So both him and us are fine either way.

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Lots of crossing paths there. Our son was accepted at UCSC but declined and committed to the University of Arizona. With the scholarship offer the price was a little bit better. We loved Santa Cruz but living in San Diego, Tucson is actually a relatively easy drive.


Still hoping that my daughter gets off the waitlist for Kinesiology. I guess she can still be hopeful for the next 48 hours. Anything else she can do? Cal Poly has been the #1 school for her from the beginning. Best of luck to everyone…fingers crossed for the next 48 hours.


I am not keeping any hopes. Based on what we have seen from other colleges, the chances from WL are slim to none


" PeopleSoft is currently offline. Please visit for more information." Looks like CPSLO is loading the portals with rejections. While I am pessimistic I hope at least some people get off the waitlist.


Where are you seeing this message? I am not seeing this message and I am able to login to the portal and still shows the waitlist message in the applicant status.

Has anyone head back since today is the deadline

nope, but honestly i wouldn’t expect anything… maybe i’m wrong but if they were planning on admitting anyone from WL i think it would have happened by now

Yea I agree, just a bit frustrating they’re drawing it out for so long

Has anyone heard from Cal Poly? I’m sure at this point it’ll be a rejection but I just want to move on from wondering when they’ll send decision letters.

Rejected: Software Engineering
3.39 gpa

Ahhhh, at least it’s freaking over.

It is there on the portal - rejected for Software Engineering. But son had already moved on - so it’s OK.


My son was accepted off the waitlist today for Construction Management. He sees it on his portal but has not received an email yet. There is not a button to hit accept or decline. Can anyone help wit this?

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Wait 24 hours and see if the email and accept/decline button show up.

Thank you

Still waiting to hear regarding the Waitlist. Anyone else heard anything?

Check your application status in the portal. I don’t believe they email.