Cal Poly SLO wait list

Man…so my son gets on the portal and the first thing he sees is a new link to sign up for student housing. Now he’s thinking he got in, clicks the next page and “we cannot offer admission at this time” Poorly played Cal Poly, very poor…did anyone else get that same glitch?

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Same for everybody.

That is just radically uncool …

So poorly handled. I’m kind of glad my son didn’t get in at this point. I emailed admissions and of course: No reply.

Same here - but that’s because I personally preferred my son to go to UC Santa Cruz for CS than Cal Poly for Software Engineering. Also UCSC is nearer to us (in Silicon Valley, easy commute for future interviews/internships) and is a UC, which is more known with our friends & relatives across the US and over the world compared to Cal Poly. Not getting in means we do not need to decide :slight_smile:

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It’s a little of both for me. Cal Poly is a great school, great town etc. However my son is all in for UA and has been for months. I was hopeful he might still get in but wasn’t looking forward to the debate. Good luck to all. As the saying goes, they will grow where planted.


4 posts were merged into an existing topic: Cal Poly Class of 2026 Freshman Waitlist Discussion

Yes, we were just visiting this past Monday and admissions said they released a “handful” of newly accepted waitlist people on Good Friday. They said the rest will be released prior to July 15.

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