Cal State Fullerton Rescinded?


I am a high school senior planning to attend Cal State Fullerton in the fall. The conditions of my admission are the following,

— Complete all your remaining A-G coursework with grades of “C-” or better.
– Adhere to all deadlines.
— You are admitted pending completion of all English courses with at least a “C” or better.
— You are admitted conditionally pending completion of all courses in progress including any Visual and Performing arts course(s) with “C-” grades or better.

I currently maintain all of those points, however I have a D in Honors Math Analysis and am unsure if I will be able to get it to a C-. Does anyone have any insight into what may happen to me?

Contact CSUF admissions on Monday and ask if you can retake the class during the summer if you do end up with a D. I suggest you do everything within your power to get that grade up to a C- if possible. Only CSUF admissions can determine your fate.

Best of luck.