I have been accepted to Cal State Universities , but I have heard that it is better to start in a community college then transfering to finish. Is that true? Personally, I have attended community college while in high school and have some units done. My major is Biology. Would it be better to go straight into a Cal State or start at a community college?
It depends on a lot of factors. 1) Do you want to attend a community college? If you have already taken a class there you should have a good sense of the educational atmosphere. Some students don’t want to go to CC and others do. Some cannot afford a 4-year university 2) Does the Cal State have a program you are interested in or does it offer a campus experience that you want? Cal States have some excellent programs. 3) What is your financial situation? CC is often the most economical option 4) Would you like to go to a UC or a private university, and do you want to try to get good enough grades at a CC to transfer into one of those schools? If so, check out other threads on the transfer issues. My point is that there is no one-size-fits-all answer.
If you want to transfer to a UC they go to a Community College. 97% of all transfers come from this category, specifically. So attending a CSU will pretty much make transfering to a UC it an impossibility
@tjosocal: yes, CC students have priority but there have been several posts from CSU applicants that successfully transferred to a UC. True it takes a bit of work and diligence on the part of the CSU student in trying to match the required courses but it can be done.
@mariaisag: Do your homework and see which school, the CC or the CSU is your best option. You will never know if the CSU might be your best choice. Unless you TAG to a UC, there is no guarantee you will get into your choice UC in the end.
If you want to challenge yourself and attend a UC or private, pick the community college route. Community College is a great experience, the classes and professors there really help you and care for you. You are also going to save a lot of money. You can take the time to learn and explore about other universities that you did not know about or didn’t consider. However, If you are happy with the CSU’s you got into, pick that route.
Which CSUs have you been accepted to?