Calculators for College? (Econs and math major)

<p>Am I gonna need those fancy TI calculators in college? I am planning to major in Economics... And planning to take high level math courses.</p>

<p>My school doesn’t allow graphing calculators. So just the standard scientific non-graphing. I think they’re like $12</p>

<p>Oh cool. I guess I need to check to my school… Thanks so much XaviFM!</p>

<p>Do check, they may even have specific models allowed (at my current place of employment, the Texas Instrument monopoly has finally been broken last year by Casio, now we have an oligopoly…).</p>

<p>But calculators are of little use once in college. Computations are either trivial or best left to actual computers. Now, I simply use R or Google if to do small amounts of number crunching.</p>

<p>I also use Wolfram Alpha.</p>

<p>I was a math major in college and not once tempted to use a graphing calculator. My college had student licenses for various mathematical software packages that are way more powerful than any calculator out there.</p>

<p>@blobof @barium
thank you! I am going to check, once I send in my deposit. Also, I always thought that college students won’t need fancy graphing calculators, but people has been giving me different answers about this and some of my friends in the States do use their HS calculators in college.</p>