Calhoun Discovery Program 2024

I was wondering how many people have gotten an interview this year, also from past people that interviewed, what I can do to prepare and what to expect from the interview.

Also if anyone knows anything about the selection process how does that work? My interview is this week, and when do they release the invitations?

Good luck on your interview! What is your major? My son is also interviewing later this week. He hasn’t found too many tips out there on interview process.

Thank you! I’m majoring in Computational modeling and data analytics, what about your son? when is his interview?

Also, if we got an interview, do you know if it means we got an admission into the school? or the honors school?

He is BIT-cyber. His is Fri afternoon. How about you? Last year, they seemed to do rolling admissions by comments I’ve seen online, but I have no idea. He didn’t apply to honors - they invited him after looking at application, so I don’t know answer to HC question.

mine is also Friday. Does anyone know how many they interview for the program total? Also what exactly are they looking for from the interview