California HS VS Canadian HS

since ive moved, my classes look different than the classes i chose in CA.

for example each class is only half a semester long, so would that affect UC admission? here a semester long class still gives you a full credit im pretty sure, but in california it would count as 0.5?

Here you graduate with 30 credits, at my old school in california it was 230 credits?

The A-G req is burned into my mind from counselors lol, so im making sure i pick classes that will help me fulfill this but the A-G states course duration in YEARS but at my new school you cant have the class for a full year?

so if i choose classes that fall under the A-G req, will the fact that they only lasted half a semester matter?

Any additional information would also be greatly appreciated!

If you will no longer be a California resident when you go to college, the California public universities will be expensive with no financial aid.

High schools in Canada are more likely to offer courses to prepare for universities in Canada. Particularly if you have citizenship in Canada, you may want to consider attending a university in Canada.

@ucbalumnus Thats true, but if im able to afford to go, and i get accepted, i will be attending

$60K per year at the UC’s and $40K per year at the CSU’s.

@“aunt bea” yes im aware