<p>Hi there! My roommate and I have been talking on facebook for the past couple of weeks, and she seems really friendly. She asked if I would call her sometime just so we can get more acquainted, and I'm feeling really awkward about this. Though I'm not usually this socially awkward, I still want to be able to be interesting and likeable on the phone with a person I'm going to be living with for the next year - basically, I want to make a good impression. We've already talked about what we're majoring in (the same thing!), what we're bringing stuff like that. I don't really know what more we can elaborate on until we actually meet. Does anyone have any advice to put me at ease? Thanks so much :)</p>
<p>I didn’t like talking to someone I never met either my freshmen year! After we talked, I had the mental image of him: thin, kinda frail, with glasses. He turned out to be this ripped, athletic guy who could have beaten the crap out of me if he wanted! Nice guy though.</p>
<p>It’ll be easier if you just do it right away and not dwell on it, that’s the worst!</p>
<p>When I’m anxious about calling someone, I’ll usually call in a public setting, like in a park, or while waiting for the bus or something, so that I feel less nervous. To me, being out in public makes it like I’m not alone talking to this person but all these people are with me. It really takes the stress off.</p>
<p>pull a costanza and chew an apple on the phone</p>