CalTech vs. UVA

<p>I recently got off the wait list at CalTech, so I have to make this decision rather quickly.</p>

<p>Here are the facts:</p>

<p>I will be doing Computer Science or Math
UVA is in-state for me
Im still looking into financial aid at CalTech
If I go to UVA, I will get ~28 credits from APs and Dual Enrollment
If I go to CalTech, I get none of this ^
Many of my friends will be at UVA
I will know nobody at CalTech (good and bad thing)
UVA is around 2 hours from home
CalTech is obviously across the country
Campus-wise, I like them both equally, but CalTech has better climate
I think there are more opportunities at CalTech, but also much higher expectations and pressure</p>

<p>So the underlying problem for me is the cost and unfamiliarity of CalTech, otherwise this would be an easy decision. I would love to hear what you think.</p>

<p>Thank you</p>

<p>You mention cost difference but no specifics. There might be a huge difference, like $40 K a year or a small one which might be worth it to your family. Keep in mind airfare. </p>

<p>Allow me to add a little then,</p>

<p>Caltech: $41,538 tuition and fees + airfare for infrequent trips
UVA: $12,016 tuition + $13,490 fees</p>

<p>Not counting airfare, the difference is $16,032 per year, a total of $64,128 after 4 years. This is something my family is able to pay for, but it’s not like we just have cash lying around to spare.</p>

<p>How do you feel about the difference in school size?</p>

<p>Congratulation on both offers.
If you have the money, go to CAL TECH.
But be aware that the academic expectations at Caltech is VERY VERY demanding, and sometimes underrated by the rankings. But if you make it out there with good grades, you would have learned quite some excellent skills. In addition Silicon V… and Standford connections might be helpful for your career route as well.
Best of luck to you.</p>

<p>Caltech is a unique opportunity. You must have applied there for a reason. Think if you want that level of intensity and work.</p>

<p>@siliconvalleymom‌ I think I would prefer the size of UVA over that of CalTech, but a smaller size is what leads CalTech to have a significantly higher student-teacher ratio. Neither of their sizes have a massive impact on my decision, though.</p>

<p>@ccco2018‌ Thank you and thank you also for your opinion. I never really considered its proximity to the Valley and Stanford, but those are great points on its side. The high expectations do worry me, though. I know this will make me sound like an entitled child, and in some ways that’s the case, but I haven’t had to truly work or apply myself in academics before and the prospect is daunting. I’m anxious that I wont be able to live up to what’s expected of me.</p>

<p>if you do come to Pasadena, you should learn the name: Caltech (only one capital letter).</p>


<p>Caltech is not that close to Silicon Valley.</p>

<p>To get an idea of Caltech’s academic expectations, take a look at Caltech’s calculus course. Unlike most other schools, entering students are expected to have seen calculus before, so having had calculus in high school merely puts you at the normal level there, instead of at a more advanced level at most other schools.</p>

<p><a href=“”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>I have no horse in the race…but I and many of my contemporaries have the highest respect and regard for Caltech and its graduates…</p>

<p>…having said that, if you are familiar with MIT (since you are from the east coast) and its RIGOR in learning from a small fire-hose…at Caltech…it will be even a bigger fire-hose. If you don’t see yourself thriving in an environment like that…or, let’s say not enjoying that type of learning…you should stick to UVA…</p>

<p>…but, if you choose Caltech, and you somehow can graduate unscathed…the academic world will be your oyster!</p>

<p>These schools are as different as night and day. My UVa son had some athletic interest from Caltech years ago (which was quite funny since they “ran some numbers and his name came up.”). He did not pursue it because it was a very poor fit for him socially. He 's pretty social, wanted a big school with big time sports,etc. UVa was the right place for him, despite the fact that Caltech is higher ranked and more “elite.” But only you know which would be a better fit for you. As someone said earlier, you did apply to Caltech so I assume you are aware of its size and social atmosphere . Good luck.</p>

<p>Lots of good advice. </p>

<p>If cost isn’t the deciding factor, think about the campus cultures and decide which one better suits you. </p>

<p>You’ll do great if you go to either school, but you might think about the fact that if you want to give Caltech a try, and it would be the biggest challenge of your life, if you absolutely hate it, there would be many schools that would be open to a student from Caltech, including Uva since you’re an in-state resident. The reverse is probably not true - you won’t be transferring from UVa to Caltech if you decide you should have taken that path after all.</p>

<p>But if you decide Caltech is never going to be your type of school, then UVa will be great.</p>

<p>@bluebayou haha that’s probably a good idea :)</p>

<p>@ucbalumnus‌ I am currently taking dual enrollment math, as I did calculus last year, but I understand what you’re saying: what I may consider exceptional about myself will be the par at Caltech.</p>

<p>@gravitas2 When you say that you and your contemporaries have the “highest respect and regard for Caltech”, from what viewpoint is it? What people would value the “brand” of Caltech so much?</p>

<p>@sevmom If I may ask, how does your son feel about his decision? After attending UVa, does he look back at all or wish he had gone to Caltech or has UVa completely satisfied him?</p>

<p>In a succinct summary, here is how I feel:</p>

<p>UVa represents cashing in. It’s a fantastic school, that I know will be good enough for me and will allow me to have a full college experience both academically and socially. Caltech, on the other hand, represents a risk. I may absolutely love it or I may hate it thoroughly. It’s more difficult and a bit of a burden, but if I can “graduate unscathed” as gravitas2 said, I will have more opportunities.</p>

<p>What do you plan to do after college? A relatively high percentage of Caltech students pursue doctorates. I’m not convinced that college brand names, per se, can give a big boost to grad school admission chances. However, if there are any colleges that do provide that advantage, Caltech must be among them. </p>

<p>If you plan to go to work straight after college, then a CS/math degree from either school should be very marketable. In that case, you may be happy to save the $64K (and perhaps have a more enjoyable 4 years.) </p>

<p>(Are you ready to fully embrace your inner nerd? Or do you want a more balanced life?)</p>

<p>mdoubtep, My son never had any serious interest in places like Caltech, MIT, CMU (his dad’s alma mater), etc… He had the math and physics ability but no interest in those kinds of schools. The only schools he also considered applying to were Duke and Princeton (and he had some athletic interest from Princeton). In the end , he applied ED to UVa instate (when they still had ED) because he loved it and it was considerably less expensive for him and for us(since this was right before the more generous financial initiatives from some schools). He had a great four years and made lifelong friends, has a very good job and makes good money. He seems to have no regrets. But that doesn’t mean that path is right for you. You’ll need to decide that for yourself.</p>


I’m not gravitas but perhaps I can elaborate. CalTech is one of the foremost research universities in the world. It is extremely highly regarded in most STEM fields, and students have a unique ability to work alongside the foremost experts in their field. I’ve worked for two CalTech phDs. They both said it was an extremely hard school and challenges students to think in ways that other universities don’t, but that it opened doors that they otherwise would not have known existed. </p>

<p>@tk21769‌ I plan on getting a doctorate in whichever field I settle on, but maybe not from Caltech. I’m wondering whether you think having the brand but a possibly lower gpa will compensate for a higher gpa at UVa.</p>

<p>@sevmom Thank you for telling me his story. I suppose that we are different in that my interests lie exclusively at those types of schools he didn’t care for, but UVa appeals to all areas of study so I can’t decide from our differences alone.</p>

<p>@whenhen Thank you. Your response did essentially answer my question. Did either of the two Caltech PhDs comment on whether they thought the extra opportunities were worth the difficulty?</p>

<p>Well considering they made both their daughter and a good friend of hers apply to Cal Tech (daughter was rejected, friend was admitted and will graduate this year), I’d say they thought so.</p>

<p>Two things:</p>

<li>You will work harder at UVA than you did in high school.</li>
<li>If you want to be among the very best, most hardworking and committed math and science faculty and students in the country, go to Caltech. It will a big challenge, no doubt, but that’s true for everyone there.</li>