Camp Volunteer and Camp Paid Counselor

What might be the best way to put an EC on the UC app if one was a camp CIT for 1 year (volunteer) and then worked the camp as a counselor and got paid for 3 years. I know the UC app has slots for activities, volunteer, honors, paid work, classes other than a-g. So does the student take up 2 spots - and put this under Volunteer/Community service for the 1 year and then repeat the camp under Work (Paid) for the next 3 summers? Obviously the description is different (different duties and volunteering and then paid), but this seems like a repeat of one activity that was done for 4 years. Is there a way to combine or best to separate out? Thank you

With the new UC application, you are allowed 20 entries by activity/award sections so I would list the camp twice with volunteer as one and paid worker as another.

Thank you! Yes they took it down from really 30 (5 for non a-g classes, honors, volunteer, activity, work and educational prep programs) to 20! Thank you!