Campus culture at Wisconsin

<p>I'm considering applying to Wisconsin. A little bit of background: I already have a Bachelor's, but am considering going back to school to effect a career change. There's minimal overlap in my original major with what I'd like to do, so I'd probably need to take at least a year of undergrad courses to get up to speed for possibly attending an MA program.</p>

<p>There's no question that Wisconsin's academics are strong. However, it would be important to know whether it would be a good fit. So, out of curiosity -</p>

<p>Overall, what's the campus culture like?</p>

<p>One of the reasons Wisconsin appeals to me is that it has a reputation for being tolerant of differences. Is this accurate? Also, how cliquey is the university? Is it possible to be accepted for yourself, or do you have to find a group to fit into?</p>

<p>Another possible barrier - I'm not an old fuddy-duddy yet by any means. But I'd be in my early 30's by the time I could start. Would this fact completely isolate me from the traditional-aged population? Or is it possible to be accepted and to participate in campus life and campus activities?</p>

<p>Also, is there a risk of being physically threatened or attacked by other students? Do people get threatened by students walking around the campus and State Street areas? Sorry if this seems like a weird question, but I feel the need to ask because of my previous college experiences.</p>

<p>Thanks in advance!</p>

<p>The only threats have been from some nonstudents. There are a good number of older students at UW. It's too big to be any one thing. There are groups for every type.</p>

<p>Since the student population is so large there is no one mindset. Many different campus cultures coexist, you are likely to find compatible people. A lot of alumni attend football games, and all sorts of people hang out at the Memorial Union. Don't worry at all about the students being nasty- they are done with HS. Of course you will want to live in an apartment, there is an excellent off campus housing search on the UW website. Go ahead and finish another degree. Be sure to visit the campus.</p>