Can a quirky kid thrive at UA?

<p>I’m guessing “yes,” since the Honors College seems to be a haven for quirky kids, LOL.</p>

<p>But, during lunch break today, I was reading some student reviews of Auburn (I know–baaaaad!!)…and one of the big complaints some student reviewers had was that everyone at Auburn seemed the same: They dressed the same, they listened to the same music, they held the same political views, they were all in frats, they all seemed to be alcoholics-in-training, etc.</p>

<p>I know UA is more racially diverse than Auburn. I’m hoping it’s also more culturally / intellectually diverse…more diverse in terms of kids’ interests and all. DS 1 is not an extreme eccentric (well, not compared with his mom :)), but he does have some offbeat musical interests and unusual intellectual interests. He’s pretty conservative, but he’s also a bit of a bohemian (loves folk music and that kind of thing). </p>

<p>Can kids like that fit in at UA? </p>

<p>(We are 100% committed to UA…I’m just having another of my Mamma Jitters. hoping my kid will be happy and all…)</p>

<p>The kids at Bama aren’t “the same” …I wouldn’t say that they’re all the same at Auburn, either. </p>

<p>The politics at Bama ranges from liberal to conservative with many kids somewhere in the middle. It was “Obama land” during the 08 election. But, it’s not going to be a liberal hotbed like some NE schools, if that is what is desired. </p>

<p>Since Bama has a very large College of Arts and Sciences which has very developed Fine Arts, Performing Arts, and Music, the students cannot be classified as “all the same” at all. There are many “artsy” types of campus who certainly would not be classified as the “same” or dressing the “same”. </p>

<p>Again, I don’t put a lot into those student reviews…they’re often posted by kids with an ax to grind or from “rival schools” (and aren’t students at those schools at all). </p>

<p>Also, a student’s perspective is often limited to his major. If he’s in a major that tends to attract a certain kind of kids (and some majors certainly do), then he’s going to mistakenly think the entire school is that way.</p>

<p>Thanks for the wise words of reassurance!! </p>

<p>John’s prospective roommates sound cool – they’re all very musical (as he is, too), so they’ll probably be jammin’ in the living area a lot, LOL!</p>

Quirky does not do well in the South
Try California, NYC or lower Florida…UT Austin would also fit</p>

<p>i think anyone can find their group at a school of 30K kids, provided the kid has average or better social skills.</p>

Quirky does not do well in the South
Try California, NYC or lower Florida…UT Austin would also fit”</p>

<p>lol and you know this how? What is your experience in relation to how kids are at The University of Alabama? Have you ever once stepped foot on campus or are you basing your ignorance on stereotypes?</p>

<p>The University is home to 30K+ students. And while it may not be full of tree hugging hippies sitting around singing kumbaya (thank God) it also doesn’t mean the rest are straight out of a Hitler youth camp (thank God again).</p>

<p>I prefer to call it “interesting”! My DS is definitely interesting. The range of things he knows about just astounds me sometimes. I think his favorite words are “you know why that isn’t true, right”? 1000+ facebook friends can’t be wrong ;)</p>

<p>NJ and Idinct–thanks! DS is born and bred in the South (NC), and he seems to have done OK so far, LOL!</p>

<p>There are all types of kids at UA, some are very conservative and religious (think no Darwin) to outright liberal and environmentally concerned, see this group:
University of Alabama Environmental Council ( UAEC ) </p>

<p>Most kids will gravitate to where they feel most comfortable but having an open mind is key to success. Sometimes your best friend may be from a group that you would not normally associate yourself, if you can agree to disagree, then you an go beyond each others limitations.</p>

<p>^ LOL, what about a kid who’s both religious / conservative AND kind of bohemian? (Maybe that means he’ll get along with everyone, LOL.)</p>

<p>LadyDi: Really, relax and don’t worry. I am sure that you will be pleasantly surprised at how many friends your son will make. There are many fun groups to join and lots of planned Honors College activities that he can get involved in. You may just find yourself saying “Hey, leave some time to study.”, who knows?</p>

<p>LadyDianeski…look at all the regular posters on this sight. After reading and rereading many of our posts you can tell that we have a Heniz 57 of kids…and yet they all have one thing in common…they “LOVE” Alabama. Engineers, Pre-med, nursing students, communications, pre-law, computer science, greeks and non greeks…they all have found their “niche” so to speak on a campus of 30,000 kids from all over the US and many countries. When you go to Bama bound they will do a roll call of states. I got goosebumps! They would call out a state and from opposite sides of the room you would see kids shoot up, make eye contact…there would be hooting and hollering and then you could tell there was bond formed :). When they called Missouri my DD shot out of her seat yelling “that’s me”…she then realized it was only her…bless her heart her face turned 5 shades of red…two boys from across the room stood up and yelled " woot woot, let’s hear it for Missouri" and several other kids stood up with DD and cheered! She just smiled and smiled…now does this sound like a place that doesn’t embrace everyone? When you divide up in groups that are related to your major you DS will find kids who he can identify with…he WILL find friends…people to hang out with, who will share his sense of humor, his taste in music and even those kids who are open to trying new things and will find your son a “breath of fresh air” so to speak!<br>
Is the south different? I can tell you that life at Alabama is not the same as life in Missouri…is that a bad thing…no! It takes all people to make a world…know that YOUR DS is a very valuable part of that world. HE will be ok!!!<br>
As for niyrpv who said that the south is not for quirky…I’m sorry you feel that way but you are wrong. Are there senseless acts of racism and unkindness that occur at UA…yes…we’ve seen it in the news…but remember it’s “NEWS”…and it’s just not Alabama…many things happen at college campuses all around the US every day. Rather having their PR dept. hide problems “under the rug” Bama has chosen to not hide the issues that they are working on but rather to show the world that they acknowledge there are problems from time to time they need to work on and more importantly that they are COMMITTED to solving these problems! There will be people wherever you go in life who are intolerant of others who do not conform and I believe a little jealous of the fact that a particular individual can march to the beat of his own drum with his head held high. If there are people who are “intolerant” of quirky people…do you really want to be friends with them anyway??? So please don’t worry…get ready for what will be the most amazing time…it will speed by (although right now I know you think you have lots of time to worry) and you will look back on this and smile…finding yourself writing this same post to another worried mama next year! We are all here for you and your DS!!! Roll Tide!!!</p>

<p>We got a holiday? I don’t remember getting a holiday and I know the kids didn’t get an extra holiday.</p>

<p>Oh, and you have it wrong about Austin, it’s not quirky, it’s weird.</p>

<p>Thanks, y’all–you are so great. Sorry for being so high-maintenance, LOL!</p>

<p>niyrpv – I’m originally from Boston. When I was in my 20s, during the busing controversy, I was convinced that South Boston (“Southie”) was the most bigoted, backward, benighted place on earth. And heck, both of my parents were from Southie.</p>

<p>And talk about corruption!! Ever hear of the Big Dig? :o</p>

<p>You’ll find bigotry and ignorance anywhere and everywhere. The South has no monopoly on it, that’s for sure.</p>

<p>Do you live in Alabama? If so…I suggest relocating! If you had a bad experience at Alabama I am sorry.<br>
You know…I am an educator…classroom teacher for a long time and now I hold an administrative position. You can spout test scores, rankings ect. but what doesn’t show in the articles that come out in US News and other publications is that the faculty at Alabama truly care about their students. It is my belief after having 4 kids take standardized tests and preparing thousands of children to take the required state standardized testing that they really only do show how that particular child is operating academically on THAT particular day! Oh don’t get me wrong…we need them but many brilliant kids aren’t test takers. All children respond and learn better when they see that the teacher truly cares about their learning. There are many people on this site who could chirp in here with stories about different teachers who really made a difference in their childs life…UA has hands down the MOST caring faculty that I’ve run across. We have 4 kids…4 different institutions…4 different experiences and all 4 have said that the Faculty/student relationships are by far the best at Bama…so sorry…I thumb my nose at the “stats” you are referring to. My DD will graduate from Alabama with a degree in her major and she WILL go out and be a successful individual. You cannot measure success by $$$$$ but rather how your existence on the planet earth positively impact others.
As for the priorities being out of whack…there is something to be said for school spirit. It unites and bonds…at Alabama it serves as a cohesive glue to bond and diverse blend of individuals. For that moment when the Crimson Tide won the National Championship all was right with the world…people forgot their troubles, students who normally might not interact did. They were putting education first…the education of caring and interacting with others…it’s called socialization :slight_smile:
I assume you final comment refers to those who are “Machine” generated out of UA…hey…there is political corruption in many states. I’m not a 100% sure how I feel about the Machine. Having a DD who is Greek and is involved with the “Machine” I need to do a little more studying before I form a final opinion…but Alabama is not alone in the Politically corrupt arena.
I am sorry you are such a negative person…and as uncharacteristic as is for me to be unkind I am inclined to ask you to go dump on the Auburn page…they too reside in Alabama!</p>

<p>they really only do show how that particular child is operating academically on THAT particular day! Oh don’t get me wrong…we need them but many brilliant kids aren’t test takers.</p>




<p>In fairness, classes were indeed cancelled on the day of the national championship game. Actually I think the first three days of classes were cancelled. We had a thread over the issue. We did NOT get a day off for winning the game, though.</p>

<p>“2) Priorities are out of whack. If a school wins the college football national championship the whole state gets a holiday. Way to put education first.” Bold is mine</p>

<p>I was referring to his comment regarding the whole state. I live in North Alabama we did not get a holiday. Wasn’t aware of what the university did since I don’t have a child there…yet :-)</p>

<p>Have to burst the bubble on obesity and low test scores…it’s the skinny malnourished kiddos who do poorly on standardized testing! FYI my DH is a baldy fat man who has been overweight all his life…man aced the LSAT and is extremely successful and one of the most intelligent people I know!!!<br>
I would agree with robotbldmom…seems that perhaps you are a student that didn’t have the experience that you had hoped for. I am sorry…got to be disappointing and hard to deal with.
Also Mississippi has bypassed Alabama as the fattest state…just the Facts…</p>

<p>Hey…I know how D1 athletes get recruited…we had one!
Obviously our “friend” is not having a great day at the office or a slow day anyway. Not sure why he chose us should we feel flattered. Definitely has a “chip” on his shoulder though! Between DH and myself we can go toe to toe on the topics listed above…DH teaches at NYU every August…currently is head legal counsel for a LARGE investment corp and oh my goodness does all their HR law…I am not sure why he has my dander up but for the fact that he picked on LadyDi…and I really like her!</p>