can anyone fill me in on the CC men's lacrosse team?

<p>any details or opinions appreciated......</p>

<p>oh, and by the way, I can read <a href=""&gt;;/a> etc for the general stats....I'm looking for a more inside perspective.</p>

<p>ok, let me try to be more specific........</p>

<p>any tell me about Coach Zazzaro?</p>

<p>how about losing seniors Garrow & Liston, the top scorers for 2005?</p>

<p>who are the up & comers? & what are the team prospects in the future?</p>

<p>do lacrosse players stick to themselves on campus, or are they well integrated?</p>

<p>laxpower forum topic on Col College for 2006:
<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>