Can anyone give me advice: UC Irvine or UCSD?

<p>I’m a biology major and I’d like to be a pharmacist so I see pharm school in the future for me. The question is: Should I attend UC Irvine or UCSD? There’s alot of pros and cons for my dilemma. I’m financially limited because I’m on a single parent income and I live in San Diego. Here’s what I have looked into:</p>

<p>UC Irvine vs UCSD:

  • Do i have a chance to succeed more than SD in biology because UCSD’s biology major is very competitive and I’m looking to go into pharm school and will need a more higher GPA for it.</p>

<p>-Attending UCSD would give me much more comfort room in the financial field. I’d live at home and miss out on the freshman dorming exprience. I’d also do not think that UCSD is social enough to accomodate my needs (I’m very social and I’d like to expand my network as much as possible). I got one life to live, should I go ahead and go with SD to save money or go to Irvine to get the college exprience?</p>

<li>And since I’m leaning a bit towards Irvine, does attending one school over the other have any effect at all in attending a good graduate school like UC San Francisco? I’m sure Irvine is very competitive, but not as competitive as a top biology program UCSD has. </li>

<p>A question I have is that if I attend Irvine, how do i cut down costs? I don’t plan on driving and I plan on using a bike as my main transportation as well as using the bus. </p>

<p>Where do i stand a chance in succeeding more?</p>

<p>Thanks for any suggestions/advice :)</p>

<p>I want to know too. I wanna go into pharmacy too.</p>

<p>Medical schools care more about your GPA than which school you attend, especially when the schools are very close together in rankings. UCSD definitely has the better program, but as you said, it will be more competitive. I think if you get a high GPA at Irvine, you will have a good shot at getting into the medical school of your choice. </p>

<p>Cutting down costs should not be too bad. You can get a job on campus which will pay almost nothing, but most jobs will give you the chance to do homework in between working. You could be a late night escort and do homework in between calls from students wishing for this service. Biking on campuses is always a good idea and that will be good exercise as well. </p>

<p>Personally, I would recommend that you get the college experience, whereever you end up. This is the time of your life to get away from your family and learn to live on your own and socialize with people of similar interests. If that means paying for the dorms at UCSD, then go for it. But if UCI looks the most appealing to you, same advice.</p>

<p>Before you make any decision I strongly recommend you research the cost of housing both on and off campus for both UC's. Get a good idea of what your month to month expenses will be and be realistic.</p>

-Attending UCSD would give me much more comfort room in the financial field. I'd live at home and miss out on the freshman dorming exprience. I'd also do not think that UCSD is social enough to accomodate my needs (I'm very social and I'd like to expand my network as much as possible). I got one life to live, should I go ahead and go with SD to save money or go to Irvine to get the college exprience?


<p>Minimum cost, stay home and go to UCSD. UCI dorm is very similar to living in apartment.</p>

<p>ey im having the same dilemma except i would be commuting to irvine and dorming at sd. honestly i think if i were you i'd go to sd because as u said it has a more recognized program and you get to save costs. for me its difficult because ucsd is the college i want to go to (seems like the better college for me) but irvine would save me tons of money.</p>

<p>The only problem I have with UCSD is its social scene. I can't bear to go to school 4 years that is very boring and dull. I want some upbeat excitement and tempo</p>

<p>And I want to avoid triton eye because thats a very contagious disease IMO. Irvine would be better for girls lol</p>

<p>hahaha. my cousin attends sd rite now and sadly he says triton eye is not a rumor.... but im sure u could have fun at sd or irvine. i read both are commuter schools but like everyone says its what you make out of it.</p>

<p>What is triton eye?</p>

<p>haha, I thought only at UCB.</p>

<p>Wow. (10 char)</p>

<p>Honestly it shouldn't matter, as long as you get the opportunity to expand your extracurriculars and experience everything that the undergraduate experience has to offer. If you're in the top of your classes, UCSF and other schools like it should it come across.</p>