Can AP test take the place of SAT subject tests

<p>I am planning on applying to a few colleges that require 2 SAT subject tests. However the nearest place to take the test is 1 hour away. I have already taken 2 AP test and gotten a 4 and a 5 and was wondering if the AP test could take the place as the SAT tests.</p>

<p>No, if Subject tests are required, APs will not replace them. However, there are some schools that give a choice in the types of tests you can submit, eg. NYU:</p>

<p>[Standardized</a> Tests](<a href=“Standardized Tests”>Standardized Tests)</p>

<p>A one hour drive isn’t that much to ask when you’re applying to places where you’ll spend the next 4 years and shape your entire future… Just sayin’</p>