Can I change details on my registration??

Hey everyone, I just signed up for the ACT yesterday. The thing is, I chose the test WITHOUT the writing portion. I’ve been reading articles lately, and I think that for the colleges I want to apply to, the writing portion is mandatory. Is there a way I can change the actual test I’m taking beforehand online and pay the extra money? Or am I stuck taking the no writing test?

Side note: I have already taken the old SAT with writing, so is it still worth taking the ACT with writing? I’m assuming so, I just want some other opinions.

Any help would be much appreciated!


Call ACT. It has people available to talk to you about how to change your registration. The decision to add writing is yours. There should be a mechanism that allows you to send scores of particular subtests; you might ask about whether you can send writing scores only after you have see them and find out how that works.