Can I change majors after the first semester?

<p>I'm currently a high school senior and I just applied to 7 colleges. I chose undecided for my major. I was wondering if I can change my major to nursing after the first semester of college. Thanks!</p>

<p>You need to ask each place what their policy is. In some instances, the only way into the nursing program is if you are directly admitted. At other places, students need a year or two of pre-nursing coursework before applying for admission to that major.</p>

<p>Hi, Nursing is not a major that a student can " just change to ", unlike many other majors, Nursing usually requires an application process & has very limited seats.</p>

<p>take a quick look at the 7 colleges that you’re applying to
their nursing website will say whether they are " Pre-Nursing " ( this means you’ll have to formally apply to Nursing in a year or two after you’ve taken some of the pre-req classes )
if they admit high schools students directly. ( this means that they have a " direct entry " Nursing Program.)</p>

<p>If non of them are ’ direct admit ", then you will be a " Pre-Nursing " student. The advisor at that college will tell you what the pre-req. classes to take in order to apply to the Nursing Program later.</p>

<p>If anyone of the colleges you’re applying now has a " direct admit / direct entry " Nursing Program, some of them need you to select that on the common apps or may have a separate application form to fill out.</p>

<p>Maybe you can tell us which colleges you’ve applied to or plan to apply to?
There is a Master List of direct entry schools in this sub-forum, you can take a look to see if any of the colleges are on your list.</p>

These are the colleges I’m applying to:

  1. University of Delaware
  2. Rutgers University
  3. James Madison University
  4. Ohio State University
  5. Richard Stockton College of NJ
  6. University of Pittsburgh
  7. Monmouth University</p>

<p>looks like a few of them are on the direct entry list
here is the link, see p12
<a href=“Master list of Direct Entry Nursing Programs: - #166 by anonymouslyknown - Nursing Major - College Confidential Forums”>;/a&gt;
which is not a complete list but will give you a general idea</p>

<p>delaware- yes
Rutgers - yes ( some limits )
James Madison - not direct entry, "Pre-Nursing"only, that I know for sure, i live in Virginia
Ohio State - yes
Richard Stockton - check the list
Univ of Pitt - yes
Monmouth - not on the list, so check w/ the college</p>

<p>check w/ each college to see what they want you to fill out ( supplements, or extra form etc ) </p>

<p>If your interest is definitely in majoring in Nursing it is extremely risky being admitted to another major at a college with a direct entry Nursing Program with the intent of subsequently trying to transfer into Nursing after your first semester. In fact, I don’t even believe most direct entry Nursing Programs will even allow you to apply for transfer into Nursing after your first semester. At best this would be for your 3rd semester, and most direct entry Programs have very, very few openings for transfer students and the competition for these few slots is intense. The competition is so intense that a number of such colleges do not even accept applications for transfers into the Nursing Program from outside the college because the number of openings are so few (Univ. of Delaware is one of them). If you are really interested in Nursing you might want to consider contacting the colleges with direct entry Nursing Programs you applied to as an undecided major and ask them to change your major application interest to Nursing. Just a suggestion. I hope things work out for you. Best of luck </p>

<p>At most direct entry colleges, it will be easy to transfer out of nursing into almost any other major, but extremely hard or impossible to transfer into nursing.</p>