Can I change the major I applied to at tech?

I applied ED then was deferred. I’d like to change my major from nanoscience to engineering. Can I do this right now? or is it too late

You can email the admissions department with a request to change your major from nanoscience to engineering as if you want engineering you have to do it now (and be accepted).

As you were deferred in Early Decision for nanoscience I would think with Engineering being a much harder department to get in to that may be self defeating.

I believe though if you list it as Engineering with second choice nanoscience you are able to get in nanoscience if rejected from Engineering. I’m not sure if that is a disadvantage with them knowing its your second choice.

I know it’s harder lol but the only reason I applied nanoscience was because I knew I’d be rejected from engineering. Seeing how difficult it is to transfer internally into engineering makes me just want to risk it and apply to engineering because if I got in for nanoscience I probably wouldn’t go

@BetaBaggins if Engineering is the one you really want and would not attend VT if admitted to nanoscience, then definitely change it now.

@cbl1 VT no longer does “backup majors” for applicants. You get once choice and either get in or not.

I did it. Thanks for giving me the courage lol. Changed. Done.

We sent in to change my son’s major. We went through the wealth of info available online going through check sheets major by major to get an idea as to what he thought right now he is most interested in. Then we sent the email and it took about a week for them to reply to the major change request - but they did it.

@cbl1 really? lol they changed mine an hour after I sent the email.

Sent our email about 8 days ago… answered yesterday. Its a good sign that they are getting caught up and not as bogged down as appears they were a week ago.

I applied EA for physics and I’m quite worried ill be deferred or even rejected, mainly because a friend of mine was deferred from ED for physics and had waaayy better stats under his belt than me, in the case I get deferred i most likely plan on attempting to change my major to something more comfortable but also something I can still enjoy.

@manfromgothenburg yeah I got deferred for nanoscience ED. In state, 1320, 3.7 uw :confused:

You could set your major for University Study and then transfer in to Physics at a later date between orientation and end of first year.

If stay university studies first year - here is their recommended course load for first year so you are best prepared to transfer in.

@manfromgothenburg I’d imagine physics is a pretty popular “hedging bets to get into engineering later” major and gets a lot of really qualified applicants as a result