Can I email and ask to drop a class?

I was accepted into AU under the ED I application type. When I applied, I had a B- in BC Calculus (for quarter 1), however, right now I have an F in the class, due to some health issues, and I doubt that I will be able to get anything higher than a D/D+. I don’t plan on majoring on anything in STEM, and when I applied I put down that I planned on studying Political Science.

At this point I feel behind in calculus and I doubt that I will be able to get my grade up. If I were to send an email to admissions asking if I could drop it (and explaining the reasons that I need to drop it) would simply asking hurt my admission at all? (Also if anyone here has any idea if they would even let me drop/done something similar in the past please let me know as well.)

I’m sorry you’re struggling in calc. My kid was able to request a schedule change through the applicant portal (different college) so check there first. No, it shouldn’t hurt your admission, but AU could deny your request.

In our case, there was no change in rigor—something the college said they considered when determining whether to approve a change—and kid had a good explanation for requesting the drop. Good luck.

It’s not up to AU to decide whether you can drop a class or not. What they do is look at the grades you have in high school on your mid-year and end-of-year transcripts, and decide whether or not you still deserve a spot in the class based on your senior year performance. I would suggest working with your HS counselor and calc teacher to see what you can do at that level. AU typically doesn’t rescind admissions for dropped classes, only for cases in which you look like you’re failing out of senior year.