Can I find good jobs with a degree of Mess communication? (advertising/PR)

<p>I am now majoring in Mess media such as advertising and PR in college. I want to work at the advertisement department of a magazine or an advertising agency or a PR firm.
Do you guys think it is easy to find a job in this field? I don't mean Journalism, but mess communication.
Also, if I want to pursue a master degree of mess communication, which graduate school should I go to? It seems that many journalism schools only offers degrees for master degree of journalism rather than mess communication.
Any suggestion?
Thanks a lot!!</p>


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<p>I am also the same major as you TC. A lot of people say that a communication major is useless and will lead to unemployment but its simply not true. There’s more to a COM major than learning to communicate, especially if you have a “concentration” such as you and myself. </p>

<p>In this job market, it will certainly not be easy to find a job. This is true of all majors. Also, I don’t want to steer you wrong and take my advice with a grain of salt, but Master’s degree may not be very useful with your major. I suggest getting a few internships under your belt instead. </p>

<p>Apply to ad agencies, and the marketing/advertising/PR departments of other companies. </p>

<p>I’m sure you can eventually find a decent job. I want to hear from working individuals who have the same degree and hear their experiences/advice.</p>

<p>hospitals, law offices, schools etc have PR offices.</p>

<p>There is PR with almsot every job out there. They need people like you :D</p>

<p>Re-reading this thread and its MASS communication. NOT “Mess.” I don’t know what kind of major you’re doing to screw that up so many times.</p>

<p>Yes. They always say advertising is where all the money is in media. You’ll probably start out working entry-level advertising sales jobs and work your way up.</p>