Journalism or Communications?

<p>Trying to decide which of these would be a better decision for me. I can either major in journalism or communications with a focus on popular media and I'm also doing a marketing minor. </p>

<p>I'm hoping to go into public relations and my top choice for a job would be to work for a record label or a band as a pr specialist or a band/ tour manager or somewhere along those lines. </p>

<p>I know that internships are a huge deal in this field and I plan on finding any that I can and am also definitely considering grad school; but I was wondering if either of these would help give me a leg up or if either would better prepare me for a job in this field?</p>


<p>I would definitely say major in communications. I was wondering this same question this past year and finally made a decision after talking to an advisor. He told me that there are lots of different job opportunities with a communication degree, including pr, and that a journalism degree is better if you’re planning to work only in journalism.</p>

<p>If you want to do PR and marketing, go with a comm major. There’s no reason to do journalism if you do want to be a journalist, in my opinion.</p>

<p>Perfect, thanks for your replies! I definitely think that communications caters towards more of my interests, but when I was looking through my schools course catalog I noticed that a few of the pr classes were listed as journalism classes. I just wanted to make sure that journalism wasn’t a better path.</p>

<p>I guess I’ve also gotten a little intimidated by all people I hear saying communications is a worthless degree. I know that is depends on where you go, what our interests and the types of internships/connections you make; but on general do you think it’s look down on by employers? </p>

<p>What about when pairing it with a marketing minor?</p>


<p>The school probably has PR classes under journalism because they overlap, my school does it too. It’s nothing to worry about in my opinion.</p>

<p>Communications is far from worthless. It’s one of the more broad degrees you can get, but that’s not bad. You’ve got a lot of job possibilities with a comm degree and while you’ll probably have to do a bit more leg work (where to apply won’t be immediately clear for you most likely) but you can get a decent job after graduation hopefully.</p>

<p>I know several comm majors that have marketing minors, so I’d say it’s a good pick. By wanting to be involved PR, marketing should help you greatly.</p>

<p>Comparing what I see at the links below, it appears you have a much broader array of career opportunities if you go with communications. You have options beyond the traditional journalism major career paths if you can’t find anything in that very competitive job market.</p>

<p>[Communications</a> Major Jobs - MajoredIn](<a href=“]Communications”>
[Journalism</a> Major Jobs - MajoredIn](<a href=“]Journalism”></p>

<p>Good luck with whichever route you decide on.</p>

<p>PR is one of the best option to explore. The job as PR specialist is very exiting and challenging.</p>