So… I’m in a first year of high school and I was wondering if I could go to uni/college to USA. But the thing is that my parents are divorced and my mother’s income per year is less than $10000. so yeah I can’t afford it. is there any chance for me to get full financial aid as an international student? And if you could tell me as international students where and how did you get a fin.aid that would be awesome. And if you know, then tell me which universities/colleges offer fin.aid for international students.
BTW, I haven’t taken SAT/ACT yet so idk how high my scores would be and my GPA for now is 3.57 and it’s the worst I can get. I’m gonna do whatever it takes to make it better, so wish me luck!
As an international student, your chances for financial aid are extremely low- in addition to your low stats (which you can hopefully make better, but 3.57 is a very low start) it would be hard for you to gain admission to most US colleges. You might have a better chance with lower-tier, less selective US colleges.
What about your home country’s university system doesn’t work for you?
As I said, 3.57 is the worst I can get. I assumed that I would get it if I suddenly stop studying and only get bad grades. I can do better And universities in here are not bad, but not brilliant as well
I wish you could tell me one thing - how to calculate GPA? I did it somehow but i’m not sure if it’s even correct. I have really good and “impressive” grades comparing to my classmates. And you say it’s low
Or just kids in here are dumb af.
Don’t calculate your GPA as numbers don’t match - numbers have a cultural value. Keep yourself in the top 2-3 of your class.
Prepare for the sat or act. Work very very hard at it, using khan academy, Erica melzer 's books - you can get a full ride but only if you score better than 98% Americans. Since you’re a freshman, you have plenty of time to start practicing.
Thank you if you have any more tips for me to follow I’d be unbelievably grateful. Have a nice weekend
GUYS! I have now ofiacially my GPA considered as 3.75. It’s way better, isn,t it? I also wanted to ask about extracurricular activities. Since my school doesn’t offer plenty, what should I do? Extra classes at my school are mostly for students willing to pass tests which they couldn’t take before due to their absence, and that’s the piont of those classes. I’m confused
Ec’s aren’t classes. They’re activities you do outside of class (and, preferably, that you’re good at.)
Yes 3.75 is very good.
Don’t worry about whether your ECs are part of school. Think about some of the non-school things you already do for fun: sports, play an instrument, etc. This is also a good time to start thinking about a community service activity you could become involved in.
Keep in mind that enrolling as a full time undergraduate is just one way to study in the US. Alternative paths are to enroll in colleges at home that have study abroad programs in the US or to attend graduate school in the US after getting your degree at home.
ECs don’t have to be school related and frequently aren’t. They can be a job, or a hobby, or a volunteer position, or a club sport, basically any way you spend your time that’s not in the classroom. Do something you’re passionate about, don’t just pick a random thing you think will look good. Colleges can tell.
OH! Good to know. To be honest, I do pretty much a lot outside the school and starting September I’m gonna take some classes (I’m not sure if I can call it that, but never mind). That’s gonna be English (which I love obviously), Physics (also enjoy, and, what saddens me, my school is poor if it comes to that and I want to gain some moreeee knowledge) and one more language. I’m fluent in polish, english is also pretty good ;), I’ve been learning german for 4 years now and since that’s not enough I was thinking about starting a journey with another one. I thought Spanish would be great, but I haven’t decided yet.
Next thing is that I got really involved in volunteering, mostly at such events as Science Day, etc.
Additionally, I’m in high school with elements of community college. That’s the easiest way to describe this
It’s just a high school but we have extra classes, if it comes to me I chose logistics (also in english and german .) and I’ll have some kind of certificate at the end. I hope that can be considered as doing something more
I’m grateful if you still read it
If you have any more tips, pleaseeeeee, let me know
Love you all xxxx
You don’t need to add Spanish. However I’d recommend you take subject tests in Geman to show proficiency.
What I meant about taking Spanish is that I want to do it for myself, for my own improvement, you know what I mean Not only because of college
Another thing I forgot to mention is that I will be having some kind of month long “internship” and I was already thinking about working on the airport. I hope that will also matter during aplication
Yes internships and work will count as extracurricular activities (EC’s) But MYOS is right that you should consider taking some SAT II exams - that will look good on your application, and you will need every advantage if you require a lot of financial aid.
The only college search engine I am aware of that has international financial aid information is Big Future.
Go to
Click on Paying
Move the top slider to 80%, and uncheck the tick box to include schools that don’t report financial information
In the second to last section, check the box for international aid
Thank you all! And so, if it comes to Sat Subject Test - I was considering taking Mathematics and Physics, and maybe German
Take German to show proficiency considering its a subject you took at school (in addition, it is the only subject test that functions like an AP, IE., if you score high enough you get placement and college credit), Physics because you’re interested in engineering, and math2 if you think you can get a near perfect score. German is important because most international stem applicants don’t have a humanities subject test.
Thanks! I wanted to ask also about those credits. Could you explain how do they work?
Imagine you score 700 in German. Most colleges would consider that to place you into a third or fourth semester level foreign language class, so you’d get two or three courses worth of credits for the levels you don’t have to take , freeing the same amount of classes to take whatever you want.
Some universities want 32 credits for you to graduate (where 1class = 1 credit), many want 120 credits (where 1class= 3 or 4 credits depending on class periods.)
That’s also the way it works with AP. Some universities will give you some credit for those, others won’t. But credit and placement for foreign language proficiency is quasi universal.
Do you know any good schools where I could pursue an engineering degree and schools that are generous for international students?
@MYOS1634 - It has been my understanding that SAT II scores could result in advanced placement, but didn’t result in being awarded credit for the skipped clases. I thought that credit was only awarded for AP or CLEP scores. Am I confused?