<p>I have discovered my interest in CMU recently and want nothing more than I want to enroll but I have heard it can be rather difficult. I'll list my stats so to speak but i'm interested in what more i can do to get my chances up. </p>
<p>freshman year : 3.85 s1 and 4.0 s2
sophomore year: 4.0, 3.85 unweighted then 4.2 s2, 4.0 u.w.
junior: 4.5, 3.85 u.w. s1
im in junior year s2 now taking calc ab and bc
got a 5 in apcs and an A</p>
<p>extras: debate, supercomputing challenge</p>
<p>sat math: 720 when i took it before sophomore year
act math same time: 33</p>
<p>any help is appreciated, I want to maximize my chances of entry</p>