can i get into suny geneseo?

<p>i am planning on transferring colleges for spring 2013 (it would be my 2nd semester of sophomore year). at my current 4 year college, which is less prestigious than suny geneseo, i have a 3.8 gpa from my freshman year. i have good extracurriculars. i am a health science major and plan to continue with that. </p>

<p>i am a new york state resident.</p>

<p>also, describe the social life please. thanks!</p>

<p>A 3.8 gpa is very good and i belive you have a very good chance. The social life is pretty vague, its a rural area so quite boring but thats just my opinion</p>

<p>you’ll get in for sure. no social life. good luck!</p>