Can i get into UC's?

Hi, I’m a junior, Asian Pakistani girl.
My GPA is a 4.54 (weighted), 4.0 (unweighted), class rank 9 out of 60 (so top 15% of class…)
My SAT score is in the high 1200’s so 1280-1290.
MY EC’s include
an internship at my local newspaper (regular writer for their fashion column, publications in print)
Vice President of independent, local library club about women in business
Tutor at school for three years
Volunteer at local elementary school for 2 years
active member in Interact club (3 years)

I’m stressing about SAT’s lately since my scores are quite low… do I have any hope?

I am waiting for gumbymom to show up.

I think you do have a good shot, your GPA is strong and UC’s value that. Do you know your capped weighted UC GPA? Gumbymom will give you percentages for your chances at each. Major?

Your SAT needs to be bumped up for a chance at the top UC’s: UCSD/UCB and UCLA. Aim for a 1400+.

Intended major, essays and your EC’s will all contribute to your chances.

Your GPA is on target for all the UC’s. What is your HS course rigor like?

You will need to post your UW UC GPA, Weighted Capped UC GPA and Fully weighted UC at the end of Junior year:

UC Merced/Riverside and Santa Cruz look like solid Matches so far.

UC Davis/Santa Barbara and Irvine are all possible but not a definite guarantee with your SAT score.

Update when you have completed your Junior year, have all your SAT scores including subject tests if you plan to take.

Being Asian/Pakistani will not be a consideration in your admission decisions. Good luck and keep up the good work.

For top UCs diversify your EC portfolio and get some leadership posiitons. Consider taking an online coure or edX course, get paid and unpaid positions, academic and community service positions, consider research.

Are you instate???

As others have said, your SAT score is low for the big 3 UCs - Cal, UCLA, and UCSD. You seem competitive for Davis, Irvine, Santa Barbara and the like though.

You’ll need a score of 1400+ to be really competitive for the big 3 UCs. If you don’t think you can increase your SAT by that much, consider taking the ACT (you’ll want a 31+).

Check out the UC admission profiles here:

yes i am instate

my high school course rigor is pretty bad, i am from some of the top schools in California so it is very competitive, my intended major is journalism or something similar like that, thank you for all the info!!! :slight_smile:

major is jouranlism or something similiar to that like English or Communications… Thank you!!! :slight_smile:

(Pakistani pride yay!!) Id say since you’re instate and have a really good gpa, you have a very good chance at UC Berkeley and UCLA

(whooo pakistan zindabad), thanks for the feedback! :slight_smile:

For UC Berkeley and UCLA (and perhaps UCSD), under the old SAT scoring, you needed a score of around 2100+ to have a good chance of being admitted… This is assuming everything else is good (essay, GPA, ECA, etc.). The 2100 in the old SAT translates to about 1450+ under the current SAT. You should strive for at least 1450 for a top tier UC.