I know that I’m just a freshman and all, but my rank is currently 33/523 and I’m disappointed in it.
Is there any way I can improve to top 10 ranks, preferably top 5?
I know in my heart that if I make really high grades in all my classes, I can improve. But it’s a long journey and seems like it’s not worth it.
Is it worth it?
No, ranks mean nothing in most cases.
It takes into account your weighted GPA, and the number of credits you take. With that logic, getting an A in AP Human Geography does the same thing to your GPA as getting an A in AP Calc BC. Similarly, if your school offers DE classes, taking basket-weaving is the same as taking differential equations.
Obviously, those courses fill different high school requirements, but my point is that your rank only has two factors in mind.
Other important factors in college admissions include:
Extra-curricular activities such as volunteering or sports
Standardized test scores
how your transcript fits the major you are applying for
Letters of recommendation
college essays
A few more factors that affect admissions but you can’t necessarily change:
your race
your parents’ education
where you live
[Purposely bad advice ahead. Make sure not to listen]
To prove a point, if you really want to be ranked #1, you can begin by taking extra classes online offered by your school system. Students are receiving credit for such random online classes like drivers ed, critical thinking, social media, and physical education (yes, PE can be taken online).
I go to a school where dual-enrollment is an option. I am a high school senior ranked #2, taking calculus based physics, differential equations, organic chemistry, and other difficult classes in general. The person ranked #1 in my school is currently taking college algebra, intro to biology, sociology, pottery, and art history.
So make sure to take extra easy random weighted classes worth nothing so you can bump up your rank.
Bringing your rank up anymore probably won’t make much of a difference. You’re currently in the top 10%, and that’s really good! While you may be 33rd, remember that you are in a large class. Just try to maintain your grades and keep them up, and you’ll be fine. Even though it’s only freshman year, you probably won’t end up in top 10 or top 5.
Read How To Be A High School Superstar by Csl Newport. Stay in the top 10%, and focus more in other areas. Unless you live in Texas or California, which are a different story.
I live in Texas, btw. So what difference does it make and how much more do I need to worry?
For texas, for example, students in the top 7% of their class get auto admitted to the University of Texas Austin which is a desireable UT.
So you need to get As, and take more classes with weighted grades (e.g., Honors and APs)
The autoadmit % in Texas isn’t the same every year, either. Fall of 2019 admissions will be top 6%.
I am already making straight As, but my school is extremely competitive and every day I lose sleep over stressing out.
I don’t know what to do.
dude just chill. start studying effectively and don’t worry about making a’s, but worry about paying attention in class, being proactive, going to tutorials even if you don’t need help, and other stuff like that. trust me it’ll bring your grades up automatically. plus grades are only one part of who you are so don’t start losing sleep over stuff like that man. chill out bro!
ps. i also live in texas, am a freshman, and go to the largest high school in texas with the largest marching band (i included this so you could look it up and find out what the school is) and my rank is 12/1764 . use my tips above, do a google search of how to study effectively and get good grades and stuff like that but dont’ be losing sleep though.
There are 3000 colleges in the USA> You will find one.