Can I make it to class in time?

I recently signed up for classes and just noticed this - I have a class at Russell Hall and then a class at AIME right afterward, and I need to make it between the buildings in ten minutes. Will I have time? Can I use the Crimson Ride somehow? Or do I need to switch classes? (I’m not taking a car or bike, so just walking.) Thanks!</p>

<p>Yes, you will have time to make it to class. (I had a similar problem) But do NOT take the crimson ride! It will make you even later. Besides, some professors don’t even care if you’re a few minutes late. As time does on, you will find little shortcuts to your classes:)</p>

<p>And some professors DO care if you’re late. You’ll find out once you go to the first class. A bicycle could be a big help.</p>

<p>What are the two classes involved here - perhaps others will chime in once they know the classes. I know in one student’s case (posted in another thread), one of the classes only lasted a few weeks, so the hustle factor was short term. </p>

<p>If you are the kind of student who likes to ask questions and get things clarified after a class with the teacher, you will most def not be able to do this with back-to-back classes. You will have to then instead go into professor’s office hours to get your questions answered. </p>