can I still apply for MIT transfer?

<p>Hi everyone, </p>

<p>I am an international student and I plan to apply to MIT transfer. I take spring 2014 and summer 2014 in a community college in Ohio. However, after that, I decide to move to California, changed my major and study again at a different community college. I plan to finish my community college degree by spring 2016 ( which means spring 2016 is my final semester at this CC). However, on MIT admission website, they said that "we cannot accept applications from students who at the time of entry to MIT will have finished less than one year or more than two and a half years of college". so am I still eligible to apply for MIT fall 2016?</p>

<p>Thank you so much.</p>

<p>Why ask this question here? Pick up the phone and call MIT.</p>