Can I still change my intended major choice after application has been submitted?

<p>Is it still possible to change my intended major choice for UCSD? I sent an email to <a href=""></a> a couple of days ago, but so far haven't received a response.</p>

<p>I just want to change my major choice for UCSD, not any other UCs.</p>


<p>Absolutely. You can change it today, tomorrow, a month from now, a year from now, two years from now (although that’s pushing it a little), whenever. No rush.</p>

<p>Thanks Sage, but I meant if I can change it in time for application processing (I applied in November for the Fall 2007 term). I want to change it from an impacted major (bioengineering) to a non-impacted engineering major, so this way if I get admitted I don't have to wait a quarter before changing, and instead go right into the major I want (and also help my chances of being admitted as well).</p>

<p>I found errors in my application - my courses (i left out 3 by mistake) and their grades.
And I'd like to change my intended majors as well (1 is impacted)...</p>

<p>I've written them a printed letter and I plan to send it off tomorow...
Should I mail it (snail mail) , or should I email?</p>

<p>i think it said you have to send it by mail or something.</p>

<p>Pike: Ah, sorry, totally misunderstood. I dunno if you’ve read my Admissions</a> procedures thread, but in it there’s a section about impacted majors – basically, having an impacted major does not impact your ability to get into UCSD itself. First, UCSD sees if you’re eligible to attend their school, and if you’re accepted, then if you have an impacted major your application is forwarded to that department and they’ll review it to see if they (the department) will accept you. So, as long as you put a non-impacted major as your second choice, don’t worry at all about being affected by your first-choice.</p>

<p>Having said that, you should probably wait until you start school to change your major, for two reasons: 1) The admissions people are doing an awful lot right now already, so you probably don’t want to bug them (especially if you end up attending a different school anyway). Also, I think you’re under the impression that if you’re in a certain major, you have to take certain classes – not the case at all. You’re free to sign up for whatever you want – I’m a biotech major, but I could enroll in all Lit classes next quarter if I wanted to (if I went insane, that is). Just find your college’s four-year-plans (here</a> are Warren’s) and base your class selections off of those. You’re not tied to your major in any way at all. 2) It’s much easier to go from an impacted major to a non-impacted major – if you jump ship from bioengineering, then a year from now decide that you actually do like bioengineering stuff, then it’ll be very difficult (if not impossible) to transfer back in. Stay at the peak of the mountain until you’re sure you want to climb down.</p>

<p>Thanks Sage. Do you know how long I have to wait after starting school to change majors? For UCD I know I have to wait at least a quarter, is it the same at UCSD?</p>

<p>You’re welcome. :)</p>

<p>As far as I know, there’s no waiting period – [url=<a href=""&gt;]this[/url&lt;/a&gt;] is all the information UCSD gives about changing majors.</p>

<p>i changed my major during welcome week for fall quarter (in fact, the day before classes started--my new major wasn't online until two weeks later). i changed from a non-impacted to another non-impacted major.</p>

<p>You can change major anytime you want but just make sure you take the major GE classes your first quarter.</p>

<p>Thanks for the help.</p>

<p>"You can change major anytime you want but just make sure you take the major GE classes your first quarter."</p>

<p>What are these major GE classes?</p>

<p>I called UCSD and the lady that answered the phone said that UCSD doesn't admit by major. This probably isn't true for impacted majors like bioengineering, which I put down as my first choice. My alternate major was Mathematics/Economics. Should I just wait until I am accepted to change my major to something else (I'm interested in electrical engineering now)? assuming I get accepted, of course.</p>