Can I Still Get Into Purdue? Or is There No Longer a Chance for me?

Hey guys,
So long story short, I want to go to Purdue, but I am not allowed to take any honors or AP classes by my school as a sophomore since I couldnt handle honors English last year as a freshman. (Ended with a 74). However, I have a chance to take physics honors and 2 or 3 ap classes as a junior. If i could take 2 or 3 ap classes as a junior, (AP environmental and chemistry along with honors physics), would there still be a chance for me of getting into Purdue? Or is there a low chance since i dont have a rigorous schedule as a sophomore?

I should also mention that I want to study management, along with aeronautical engineering. Thanks!

Your best shot is to get good grades past this point and score well on your standardized tests. Purdue is a huge school and they admit a large number of freshmen, both engineering and non. Not all their admits are AP-laden overachievers. Definitely focus on AP or honors in your strong suit subjects and don’t take honors or APs in English or any subject where you might not be able to handle the work.

You’re very early in the process - worry about your grades and your classes you are taking now, don’t stress about college applications. If you take the most challenging classes you are able to do well in and you do WELL in them you will be maximizing your chances of admission - at Purdue and elsewhere.