Purdue questions for acceptance (currently going to be junior in high school)

Hey guys, I saw a couple extremely outdated threads on the chances of getting into Purdue, but like I said, those threads are extremely outdated. I was just wondering, how competitive of an applicant would I be with the following statistics (btw i will be a junior next year, so i just want to know where i stand)

As of completing 10th grade, i have a 8 honors courses, and 4 AP courses finished, and 2 normal courses. I have taken 1 honors course, and 6 AP courses next year (dont worry, I can handle it).

If extracurriculars matter, i am in the debate team, and part of the Student Emergency Response Team (club) at school. I plan to continue those 2, and add BPA (business professionals of america or model UN)

And more stuff that may or may not matter: I dont have volunteer hours yet, but i plan to do a month of volunteering abroad. Also i may end up joining NHS (national honor society) next year

now onto SAT and PSAT–> i haven’t taken either, but i have taken practice tests for both, and i got a 1240 on sat, and 1220 on psat

For my GPA, i cant give you a definite number yet, but i can tell you that my GPA as of the end of my sophomore year is 4.88 out of a weighted 5.0 scale (basically 4.8 out of 6.0) its terrible i know, i really messed up my freshmen year, but improved sophomore year, and hopefully will be able to continue that positive trend into my senior year

if there is anything i missed that will help you help me out, let me know, i will get the stats to you asap. please let me know where i stand on acceptance, i am aiming for Purdue’s engineering program (specifically aeronautical engineering) and also i plan to do air force rotc. Also what areas do i really need to improve on (probably my GPA?) in order to have a higher chance of getting in–> also since i will be taking the sat soon, i will periodically update this thread should there be any changes. Thanks in advance…

Your coursework and extracurriculars look great! Your SAT is competitive for Purdue as well. It’s hard to calculate your unweighted GPA by the info given, so I can’t speak to that.

Additionally, be warned- engineering programs are highly impacted and it can be hard to get in as an engineering major. Be sure to look for some safety schools, too.

Keep working hard and studying for the SATs!

well just so you know, my unweighted gpa is a 3.25, which isn’t really that great for engineering in purdue, but i still have my junior year to improve. Do you think i will be able to get decent enough change at the end of my junior year to have a a higher chance? and what kind of grades will i need to see as large of a increase as possible?

And do you think purdue will take into consideration all the APs i have taken, because my UW gpa isn’t really a great representation of me as a student since my freshman year was really bad, and my sophomore year was decent, and i did good on my AP classes, but that isn’t reflected in an UW gpa. What do you think i will have to do to compensate for a weak gpa?

Anyhow, thanks a lot for your response earlier it was really helpful, its nice to have someone say something nice once a while :stuck_out_tongue:

Your GPA will be fine as long as you pull high GPAs your junior and senior year. Try taking the ACT just to see how you do - a lot of people do much better on it than the SAT so it’s worth trying. But your extra curricular look good, and you’re taking rigorous course loads which colleges like to see. Just be sure to score high on those APs and get good grades!
Also, APPLY EARLY. Purdue does rolling admissions, and you’re much more likely to get in if you apply early senior year rather than waiting until second semester.