Can I transfer to the University of Miami without a completed AA?

I attended Broward College for two years and completed 63 credits. I was informed by two advisors that I have satisfied all components of my AA degree. However, contrast to what I was assured, I just found out I am lacking a natural science (i.e. astronomy, environmental science, general biology, etc.). I took a total of five chemistry courses (transferring to UM as a chemistry major) and did not think to check about the science requirements. I figured I was set after what two advisors had told me and considering all my involvement with chemistry coursework.

I am admitted into UM for the College of Arts and Sciences for the upcoming fall term. I have a few credits as-is that will not transfer. Therefore I am admitted as a sophomore regardless of my AA degree. I cannot complete this natural science requirement because registration for session 3 (summer B) at Broward has finished.

I am on track with all required coursework within my major. It’s just this simple credit I’m lacking. Do you think this situation will hinder me starting in the fall? Can anyone offer their experience or input? I will make sure to contact an advisor on Monday after the weekend. I was thinking about suggesting taking the needed class at UM and then transferring that credit to BC, receiving my AA at the end of December. I’m not sure if that would be permitted, however.

Thanks in advance.

What GPA did you have when you applied to UM?