Can minor in Accounting make me eligible to take CPA?

My name is Yen Ton. I have been admitted to UT at Austin but not admitted to Business school. I want to major in Accounting but won’t be able to do an internal transfer because I will have over 90 credits by next year.
My option is to take economic major and do a minor in accounting. My plan is to get a CPA after that. Below is the requirement to take the CPA test.

“Be of good moral character.
Hold a baccalaureate or higher degree from a United States college or university, or an equivalent degree from an institution of higher education in another country.
Complete 150 college credit semester hours or equivalent quarter hours. Those hours must include 30 semester hours or quarter-hour equivalents of upper level accounting courses and 24 semester hours or quarter-hour equivalents of upper level related business courses.
Complete a 3-semester-hour ethics course that has prior Board approval.”

As I will only can take classes towards the minor degree in accounting, will I have enough upper level accounting courses and business courses to take the test?

Business school at Austin is very strictly, they won’t allow me to take any business classes beside my minor degree.

I appreciate your help!
Yen Ton