Can someone chance me for CC

<p>I am curious if I have a shot at Colorado College, and if so would there be scholarhsip money? In everyone's honest and thoughtful opinions.</p>

<p>My stats:
3.65 GPA unweighted. 4.35 weighted.</p>

<p>2170 SAT I (770 writing, 730 math, 680 critical reading)
780 US history and 770 MAthII for SAT II
I have had a paid internship at a museum for two years now, plenty of volunteer work with kids.
COSMOS academic program this summer for a month.
and travel during the summer.</p>

<p>Varsity soccer, also some club soccer.</p>

<p>Yeah man that looks really solid, you should be able to get in and perhaps get some $$$, much better than my stats and I got in.</p>