I sort of wrote my common app essay last minute and I would really appreciate if someone took the time to read it through… This is common app prompt #4 btw.
Some of the biggest problems in the world are poverty and lack of medical care. These are problems that are very significant to me because I witnessed them first hand when I visited India. My family and I go every other year to visit friends and family but one thing that I’ve always observed was the abundance of poverty that was present. It was not hard to notice the differences between the US and India. Here in America, the government attempts to provide financial aid to the impoverished, but in India, the government cannot help everyone because there are over 1 billion people. I realized that, because of the high population, it was hard for people to find jobs so they resorted to begging to support their families. Most people did not have access to clean water or food and this, in turn, led to illnesses. Last summer when I visited India, I remember walking through a very isolated village and seeing people living in nothing but small, handmade huts. They had no shelter from the strong hurricanes that frequently hit the country. Most of the people I saw looked like “skeletons” because food was very scarce and only the wealthy could afford to eat properly. The only source of water was from a nearby stream that was very unsanitary, and because of this, diseases such as Typhoid were very prominent. This disease is often fatal in poorer areas because medicine neither attainable nor affordable. I'm a firm believer that health care should be available to everyone; despite their extent of poverty or isolation. This is why, in the future, I want to start a non-profit organization that will bring medicine into parts of the world where it is non existent. My ultimate goal is to give impoverished individuals a better quality of life and to prevent deaths due to curable diseases. I know that it is impossible to eliminate this problem completely, but I am willing to put my 100% effort to create some change in the world. One of the steps I’ve identified is to work hard in college, as well as the remaining of senior year so I can go to medical school. Becoming a doctor is a crucial step because I need to have the credentials to treat people. I know that attaining a MD takes a great deal of work, which is why I am prepared to put in ten times the effort in college than I did in high school. Another step I’ve taken to solve this problem is to understand the value of an education and to utilize it to empower the world. I learned that working hard is the only way to reach your goals and there are no shortcuts. My aspiration is to solve the problem of lack of healthcare in developing countries and I will continue to strive in my academics in order to attain this goal.