Can someone pull me into Honors suite style dorm?

Hi there. I just paid my deposit and enrolled at Alabama. I visited this week and loved it. I’m from PA, male, I love anything outdoors, mountain biking, road biking, snowboarding, travel, into fitness, sports, road trips, concerts, going to football games. I like reggae and alternative music but will listen to anything. Easy going and get along well with everyone. I played lacrosse and ice hockey in high school. I may do some inter mural sports. I will go out and have fun at school but my focus will be on studies. I have a Presidential Scholarship. I’m a mechanical engineering major. Please hit me up if you have a room somewhere in Honors suite dorms and if I seem like a fit for you.

Thanks and Roll Tide!

There aren’t many incoming frosh who post here, but hopefully some parents who know what is the best way for a male to find someone to pull him in can post here.

You need to join the Facebook group and post there as well as do a search on UA’s roommate search. Best of Luck!!

Thanks all. On the UA roommate search which is at the end of the housing application, are all those people listed there in the same boat as me - meaning they too need pulled in it is there a way to know if they have a room already?

No, I don’t think you can tell from the roommate search profile, unless people write it in there, what their situation is. They are not all like you. Some will still be searching for roommates, but they might be at the beginning of the selection queue (not the end, like you). So, if you see someone who interests you, write to them. My son found all of his roommates through the UA roommate finder.


Just FYI the Facebook page for students is primarily girls looking for roomies. There are some guys looking but not many. Best bet is the housing profile section and reach out to some of them.

At this point, you will have to work with other incoming freshmen, because returning Honors students (rising sophomore and above) who could have pulled you in when they chose their Honors suites, have already completed their room selection (and there were only 150 of them because there were only 150 rooms available in Honors Ridgecrest East for returning Honors students this year.) Not all Honors students return to Honors Housing, but returning students are in the midst of room selection right now and it’s too late to add any accepted roommates anyway (returners have until May 11 to make any room changes but cannot pull in roommates.)

Use the UA Roommate Finder to look for potential roommates - majority in there are incoming freshmen - and trust those roommate finder results. Contact those who you think might be good matches via their UA emails (you can find in their profiles) or join one of the Facebook groups already mentioned.