Can two people hold class rank 1?

<p>strange thing happened. one classmate of mine has practically the exact same transcript as i do (the subjects of the classes differ but our grades and honors, AP leve etc are the same)</p>

<p>i'm ranked number 1, but he says he is too..</p>

<p>so does that mean there are two people who have rank 1s?? i mean.. is this possible? i always thought only one person holds a specific numbered rank.</p>

<p>or did my school mess up?</p>

<p>two people can hold the same rank</p>

<p>all school reports from the apps also have a "how many other people hold this rank" question</p>

<p>Oh, there are some schools with far, far many valedictorians! </p>

<p>For instance, here is a school that one year had 44 --</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>44! Oh my Gosh, 44!
An A- is not the same as an A+, dam those grade inflation. Something is wrong when the top 10% is also number 1.</p>