Can you apply for student housing even if you arent sure of attending?

<p>I have been accepted to several schools one imparticular i really like. The only issue is the housing deadline is approaching and i am still waiting on a school i have been deferred from that i definitely like better. Can i apply for housing even if i am not sure of attending.</p>

<p>You should check with the school, but generally, yes. In fact, some colleges want your housing application and deposit quite early. In my daughter’s case the college she applied to suggests you fill out a housing application and pay the $30. deposit even before you know whether or not you’re accepted. (You will get a refund if you don’t end up going for whatever reason.) On-campus housing is just so limited there that it’s in a student’s best interest to get the housing app in early… it’s all first-come-first-serve.</p>

<p>But in your case, just call the housing office at the school you’re considering and ask them.</p>

<p>You can and should send the housing deposit to your safety school. The worst case scenario is that you lose the deposit but at least you’ll definitely get housing at your safety school. You can’t apply for housing to your deferred school because you haven’t been accepted.</p>

<p>how exactly would i word a call to the housing office </p>

<p>any advice</p>

<p>I’m going to assume that you are talking about the college that deferred you. If this is the case, you can call the admissions office and ask them. Explain that you have been deferred and you would like to know if there is any way for you to secure housing now in case your deferral becomes an acceptance.</p>

<p>sorry i was referring to my safety schools. I just dont think id feel comfortable asking if I should send a housing deposit to a school i may not attend. also would a school accept a housing deposit if you still havent been accepted? normal i would ask my counselor but he recently suffered some health problems and i have been without one for a good portion of the year</p>

<p>also the school wants meto send my enrollment deposit and schedule student orientation with the housing deposit. there is a chance that i may be attending this school so i want to be able to get everything in when it needs to be. But i want my options open. The school i was deferred from was my top choice and according to the admissions office with my senior grades i have a decent shot so i would like to hold out and wait for a real decision from my school. should i fill all this stuff out anyway for my 2nd choice.</p>

<p>Yes, I would fill it out and send in the deposits for both enrollment and housing. In addition, sign up for the student orientation. It is your safety school and your #2 school choice. You want to have this option available to you if your deferral becomes a rejection. Most colleges will return your enrollment deposit if you notify them by a certain date that you decided not to attend. This date should be somewhere in the paperwork that they sent you.</p>