<p>i had begun applying to study at usc from fall 2010 as an international student from england, but some family things came up and i am gonna be starting a business degree in switzerland in fall of this year. it is an american accredited uni, websters. i only plan to be there for one year. usc is where i want to be, so is it possible for me to apply there as a freshman instead of a transfer for 2011? i dont want to move halfway around the world to join as the new kid who knows nobody in the second year. if im willing to start again and do the work is it possible?</p>
<p>Nope, it is impossible. I wanted to do the same thing and applied as a freshman and then was reclassified as transfer. If you attend even a semester at post-secondary level institution you are automatically considered to be a transfer student.</p>
<p>Look into “deferring your start date.” I have a friend at Georgetown who was accepted, deferred while going to Chile for a year, and is now a freshman.</p>
<p>ill have already done a year of an undergrad in switzerland though. ive got deferres entry into plymouth in england for 2011 to do cruise mangement, i want to go to usc though im gonna visit in the summer and speak to the admissions to see if theres anything i can do</p>
<p>becky, USC takes almost 1000 transfer students each year! So do the undergrad year in Switzerland , get great grades and recommendations from your profs there and apply to USC as a transfer student!</p>
<p>im just a bit nervous about moving across the world knowing noone, when everyone will have made their friendship groups and missing out on the freshers experience…guess ill just have to suck it up! :)</p>