Can you be happy at L&C if you are not "crunchy granola"?

<p>Say, just plain liberal?</p>

<p>Is there substance-free housing?</p>

<p>Theater program looks great on the website, but how is it in real life? Facilities and faculty? </p>

<p>Are the shows popular for all to attend?</p>


<p>DD2 is not “granola-y” but liberal and very happy there. Stewart hall is substance free, but DD has lived in one of the Forest dorms both years and never had a problem. Don’t know about facilities and faculty for theater but DD did attend some programs the last two years and loved them.</p>

<p>DS is moderate, maybe even conservative, and is perfectly happy at L&C. He’s not a theatre guy so can’t help you there… Generally facilities at L&C are first rate from what I have seen of the athletic facilities, library and science labs.</p>

<p>No, you do not have to eat granola if you do not want to. Same with pot and alcohol.</p>


<p>Did your son consider Willamette or Santa Claru U at all? If so, I would love to know how he decided on L&C. Thanks!</p>

<p>He considered both - SCU was too close to home and Willamette was in Salem while L&C was in Portland… He really preferred Portland - liking the bigger city with more things to do and more places for internships.</p>

<p>^ makes sense. thanks!</p>