<p>I applied to Berkeley ('13) as an Economics major. With Econ being impacted, I am worried that I will have a hard time getting accepted under my preferred major. Let's assume that Berkeley does not have enough space to place me in the Econ department; do they reject me outright or do they place me into some less popular major/ undeclared?</p>
<p>This is a common misconception amongst applicants. You don’t get admitted to a major when you apply to L&S. Undergraduate L&S admits everyone, both freshmen and transfers, as undeclared. You don’t actually declare until later on, generally junior year but often earlier</p>
<p>^What if I applied to College of Engineering?</p>
<p>You’re admitted to a major like normal for CoE.</p>
<p>^not like normal
Being admitted to a major is not the norm in Berkeley.</p>
<p>I think anon5524485 is right…although you indicate your major on your application, you don’t actually DECLARE it until your sophomore/junior year. I know this is true for L&S; I can’t really speak for CoE.</p>
<p>To answer your question OP, going with what I just mentioned, they will not “put” you into another major. You’ll either be accepted or rejected.</p>
<p>thanks for all the inputs everyone. b:)b</p>