Can you guys please chance me i will chance back


<p>1820 sat 3.0gpa
2 sat2s a little over 700
multiple state record holder/multiple high school all american--so i am heavily recruited
student council/many clubs/team captain/team award winner
have some relatives that attended
taking ap calc-school chinese award winner
princeton harvard penn brown duke northwestern maryland and ohio st</p>

<p>do you think i have a chance at all? all help appreciated</p>

<p>princeton - High Reach
harvard - High Reach
penn - state or U?
brown - High Reach
duke - umm… low reach
northwestern - Low reach
maryland - State or U?
ohio st - in</p>

<p>chance me plz</p>

<p>SAT score and GPA is quite low; there would quite a few heavily recruited students, looking at the same schools you are, that have 2000+ in their SATs, so you might want to bring them up if you can to improve your chances.
Just of interest, you note you’ve done two SAT subject tests; Harvard requires three. Also, having “some relatives that attended” (which college?) won’t help, unless the particular college somehow counts it as legacy.</p>

<p>princeton - high-reach
harvard - high-reach
penn - mid- to high- reach
brown - high-reach
duke - low- to mid- reach
northwestern - low- to mid- reach
maryland - match
ohio st - match</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>you can just chance me by commenting on my thread. :)</p>