Can you please chance me?

<p>SAT: 2220
GPA: 3.93
Ranking: top 20% at a ****ty catholic school
4 APs: That's the Maximum</p>

<p>EC: </p>

<p>200+ hours at Nursing Home, Hospital and Library
Newspaper: Editor-in-Chief 4 years
Speech Team: Duo Senior Mentor 4 years
Literary Magazine: Artistic Editor 3 years
Robotics Team: Senior Business Coordinator 2 years
Young Engineers Club: Founder and President 1 year
Fine Art Society: Founder and President 1 year
Journal of Mathematics: Founder and President 1 year</p>


<p>Hawaii State Tournament Double Qualifier
Humorous Interpretation and Duo Interpretation
2nd Place in Humorous Interpretation at Kaiser State Qualifying Tournament
4th Place in Duo Interpretation at KCC State Qualifying Tournament
5th Place in Duo Interpretation at KCC State Qualifying Tournament
National Forensics League Degree of Excellence</p>

Nine Published Poems in Literary Magazine
Literary Magazine Cover Designer
Tchaikovsky Piano Studio</p>


<p>Track and Field</p>

Sophomore Class Treasurer
Junior Class Treasurer
Senior Class Secretary of Spirit</p>

<p>Applying under Chemistry Major.</p>

<p>Your GPA (if unweighted) is drop dead amazing
Your SAT’s are way above average
Your Hawaiian Citizen Status is very good for admission (shows diversity)
Overall I think you’ve got a good chance
Look at some college.coms to see your chances some can be very helpful</p>

<p>yeah ur pretty much in :)</p>