Can you see scholarships on howdy/AIS before they're mailed?

<p>Title says it all</p>

<p>I called the Financial Aid office and the woman said that you can check your status on the Financial Aid Portal if you’ve received some scholarship. Mine doesn’t show anything so I guess I didn’t receive any :confused: </p>

<p>I don’t think they’re done making all the decisions yet so don’t give up so soon lol</p>

<p>We contacted the university and they said the university merit based scholarships are out, but the department level will be awarded from now through April. When looking at the Financial Aid Portal, be sure to click the correct semester to see the awards. My S received a very small one, but that’s it so far.</p>

<p>If you didn’t submit FAFSA are you still eligible for merit awards? And would you find merit awards under Howdy or in AIS?</p>

<p>As for the department scholarships I don’t know when they are really done. My S got one awarded to him over the summer. A nice surprise!</p>

<p>grizzly32 - Yes, you are still considered for merit awards without the FAFSA. We have been advised by many folks that you should submit a FAFSA even if you think you don’t qualify. There are many scholarships that look at the FAFSA, but don’t require their to be need or may only require $1 of need as in the case for the Top 10% Scholarship.</p>

<p>We too are hoping more scholarships will appears over the coming months. My S is a top 1%, 2030 SAT, lots of EC and was also just admitted to the TAMU University Honors Program. The more he gets in scholarships the less he will have to work early on.</p>

<p>I spoke to Financial Aid this morning and they said scholarships/aid will be added in March or April. </p>

<p>That’s strange, they told me very confidently that all the scholarships have been given out. Hope you’re right though!</p>

<p>I think the March/April scholarships are primarily need based after reviewing the FAFSA. Merit scholarships are supposed to be out by the end of this month, or so I was told about three weeks ago. Now, I don’t know about A&M, but at some schools departments have some endowed aid to award independently.</p>

<p>They told me too that all awards had been made two weeks ago but how can that really be when people are still getting in? Are department scholarships looking at more then class rank and test score since their was a lot of writing to do on that application? I assume that’s different then the “merit” aide?</p>

<p>The woman on the phone said that there were “lots of kids with perfect GPAs and 2400 on SATs who did not get any scholarships.” </p>

<p>Financial aid does not wait until all the applicants are admitted to start distributing offers. I was told most are holistic on a point system based on what you have on your application. Over the years, we have seen many resumes and I don’t understand why child A got a scholarship when child B is a superior student in every area. There are many individual (endowment style) scholarships that have very specific criteria - sometimes a certain town/county, having done a certain EC, first gen college,etc. I guess that is why we can’t figure it out entirely. I will say this, some exceptional students do get scholarships and some don’t as freshman. When they refer to merit aid, it just means that your record is considered versus need aid which is primarily based on your finances. The people you talk to at financial aid control the university scholarship pool, there are also other venues to get scholarships - so that’s why you’re getting those answers, they are saying the university wide scholarships have been distributed but not the college/other ones. Hope that helps.</p>

<p>Just spoke to financial aid again. They said the last letters of Merit Scholarships were mailed on Feb 20. FAFSA is in the process of being loaded up and need based loans/scholarships/grants will be available late March/April. Also, they told me it is very rare for a freshman to be given a department scholarship. </p>

<p>The Feb 20 date seems pretty accurate. My s got his scholarship offer from A&M the first week in Feb - it was all merit based because we have not yet submitted FASFA (don’t think we qualify for any financial aid based on the estimator calculators). We were very pleasantly surprised at how generous the offer was - that will be a big deciding factor for his decision. </p>

<p>I live far away so I’m wondering if there’s a chance I’ll get it in the mail or will Howdy always be updated before the hard copy comes??</p>

<p>My daughter’s Howdy site Financial link was updated 2 weeks prior to receiving snail mail notification of merit award…</p>