Canadian transfer to US schools

<p>HI, I am a second year student form the University of British Columbia. My average grade is culculated in percentage instead of GPA. If I want to apply for transfering to NYU, would the school look at the percentage or they convert the grade to GPA in their own way?
Thanks for help~~~</p>

<p>Last year my AVG is 79, for gpa, how much is that?</p>

<p>I go to UBC too. What faculty are you in?</p>

<p>79 is approximately a 3.0 (Americans? double check for me!). 3.5 is the magic number. UBC is pretty easy so aim for the 90s!</p>

<p>I go to NYU and a 79 is a C+, which I think is a 2.4, not a 3.0. A 3.0 is a B, which is like 84-86 I think (not sure about that, but I know 79= C+)</p>

<p>I am in arts now…english is my second language. For my science course, it’s pretty easy to get 90 above…but for english and humanities, it’s kind all around 60s, :- (
are you sure gpa is 3.0? I though 79 seems a B+ though</p>

<p>Last year i got c+ in the Econ course, i only got 65%, its werid…I heard a lot of different way of calculated gpa…so confused ;-(.
Let’s say if C+ is 2.4 and B is 3.0, how about the number in betweens? is there any 2.5, 2.6 for GPA?</p>

<p>I got an 89 on one of my papers at NYU and the letter grade was a B+. I’m pretty certain 79 is a C+.</p>

<p>This is how my HS did it, and I think it’s pretty standard: Keep in mind things are different in college.
A = 4.0
A- = 3.7
B+ = 3.4
B = 3.0
B- = 2.7
C+ = 2.4
C = 2.0</p>

<p>since your college doesn’t report using the 4.0 scale, it won’t show up as a 2.4, it will simply show up as a 79. Keep in mind they will take into account the rigor of your classes and college as well. British Columbia is a pretty good Canadian college, isn’t it? If you’re a science major, they will care more about your science grades as well. So don’t worry. Good luck!</p>

<p>I applied for Film&television department for NYU and have a second choice of Business…
In UBC 80 is a A-, 79 probabely a B+, my grade is not high ;-(, but I have a lot of work experience and a really good portfolio for film and animation. What’s the chance for me to get in?
Also, for spring term, I could choose some science course I am really good at, pull up my average marks to A. But the thing is school won’t see my final mark when they make decisions, will they? Is there any way to show the school that I have a better mark on the second term?</p>

<p>Thanks so much for your information, it’s really helpful. I appreciate!</p>

<p>I’m at UBC too. So if my 81% counts as an A- at UBC, and hypothetically I apply for NYU. Will they look at my 81% and converts it to B- or will they look at my A- and covert it to 90%?</p>