Candidate's Weekend Dates

<p>Hey -</p>

<p>Which weekend have you requested? I'm hoping to go to the first weekend.</p>

<p>Also, does anyone else have horrible scheduling conflicts with the weekends? The first weekend is the Oregon Mock Trial competition and the state Academic Decathalon competition (so I'm not doind either of those this year). The second is Oregon's FIRST robotics regional!</p>

<p>I requested the first weekend as well.
My FIRST team is attending the Silicon Valley Regional in week 3 so it won’t conflict with either of the two weekends.</p>

<p>Are you from Oregon or Washington?</p>

<p>California (so Silicon Valley is our ‘home’ regional)</p>

<p>That makes sense. Well, good luck on your Olin app. Hopefully I’ll see you in late February…</p>

<p>I told them to surprise me. lol</p>

<p>Cool… maybe you’ll come to the first weekend with us and we can have a CC’ers party at Olin. Complete with rice, DDR, and fire poi, of course.</p>

<p>Any news on how many applicants there were this year?</p>

<p>871 applicants. 63 are international, including 7 US citizens abroad.</p>

<p>I am surprised that the number of applicants isn’t higher. With the economy the way it is, I’d think more students would apply. </p>

<p>I think that in years past, the number has been in the 900s, and it’s just been in the last few years that international students could apply.</p>

<p>Where did you get the # of people that applied?</p>

<p>In December an email was sent to all parents of Olin students from Charlie Nolan, Dean of Admissions. Here’s the info:</p>

<p>"The deadline for applying to the Class of 2013 has come and gone. Below are some descriptors of these applicants.</p>

<p>— Applications: 871—the third largest applicant pool </p>

<p>— Women: 27%</p>

<p>— Geography</p>

<p>46 states—CA still number 1: 126</p>

<p>And DC</p>

<p>Idaho-5! Only state from which we have not enrolled a student.</p>

<p>63 from 27 countries (seven are US citizens attending high schools abroad): 13 South Korea; 8 Canada; and 6 China are the leading countries outside the U.S.</p>

<p>(Note: Admission readers: The total states and Idaho are final figures.)</p>

<p>— Other</p>

<p>Homeschooled: 9</p>

<p>At least two have undergraduate degrees</p>

<p>At least four siblings</p>

<p>Two sets of twins </p>

<p>72% applied the last three days before the deadline!</p>

<p>From all indicators the applicant pool is at least as strong as those who applied to the Class of 2012. We are quite confident that this applicant pool will produce a new class that will continue the tradition of excellence at Olin inside and outside the classroom.</p>

<p>The evaluation process has begun. Four reading teams (made up of faculty, alumni and staff) will collectively present 260 applicants to the Admission Committee by January 27. The Admission Committee will invite 190 for Candidates’ Weekends, and wait list about 10-15 more for the Weekends."</p>

<p>72% applied the last three days before the deadline!</p>

<p>Heh, they say that as if it’s a bad thing.</p>

<p>I don’t recall the exact number, but there is a cap on international admissions at Olin, set in their by-laws. I think it might be 5%. </p>

<p>They need to work on the number of female applicants. . . . 27% is too low when the goal is 50% of the admitted class! I wonder how that compares with past years.</p>

<p>good luck, you guys :)</p>

<p>My D applied to Olin and is hoping to be invited for CW. Does anyone know if parents usually come along? If not do you think Olin will provide transportation to and from the airport?</p>

<p>If you didn’t find this thread yet, it will be helpful to you:</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Meanwhile, good luck in this stressful waiting time… We are all hoping for that invitation to candidate’s weekend!</p>

<p>Thanks. I hadn’t seen that thread and it was very helpful. It sounds like the kids are well taken care of if the parents don’t go along. I guess we will be hearing something next week from Olin about invitations to CW.</p>

<p>I didn’t go back and read the linked threads (probably read them last year), but I just wanted to comment that, as parents of an Olin '12, we really enjoyed Candidates Weekend. We kept out of the way of the students for the most part, and had a great chance to connect with other parents and get a real feel for the school and our S’s potential classmates. If you can, and your D doesn’t object, I would go—but she certainly doesn’t “need” you–it’s a great experience!
Good luck everyone!!!</p>

<p>I agree - if your dd gets invited you should go, especially if you’ve never visited the campus before and “felt” Olin first hand. </p>

<p>It seems like last year there were a lot of applicants/parents sharing their anxiety at this stressful time here on CC, but there doesn’t seem to be that going on this year. Are any of you out there as stressed as we are in this household? This is the school my son has had his eyes on for 3 years… My son is fine. I’m the basketcase…</p>