Cannot enroll in Math3A

<p>I'm currently a Pre-BusinessEcon major and plan on switching to Bio, my passtime just came up and I tried to add 34A but it said I didn't satisfy the Prereq, and considering that this is an intro course, what would I have to do to add it.</p>

<p>Do you mean 3A or 34A? 3A is an intro course, but it requires you to take some sort of pre-test online to get in. I’m not sure about 34A.</p>

<p>I am not certain but I think you have to take the calculus placement test.</p>

<p>Look here… this may help. </p>

<p>[Placement</a> Exams](<a href=“]Placement”></p>

<p>It’s Math 3A, though it’s an intro course and I thought I didn’t have to take the placement exam.</p>

<p>It is an intro course, but, yes, you do have to take that placement exam. I personally don’t think it was all that bad.</p>