Can't decide what kind of chemistry major I should major in

<p>Well, I decide to major in something relative to chemistry and I'm prone to select Pharmacological Chemistry, yet not sure whether I'm gonna study pharmacy in the future.</p>

<p>Is UCSD good at Pharmacological Chemistry and is it hard? Or I only have to major in chemistry? Thanks for help.</p>



<p>well, since pharm chem differs from biochem/chem by about 3 classes, it’s not really that unique of a major. as for its difficulty, i don’t particularly think so. you get a watered-down version of pchem, so it’s not quite as rigorous as the traditional chemistry major.</p>

<p>you can go to pharm/med/dental/whatever school with ANY major as long as you fulfill the entrance requirements. hell, you could be a dance major and still score a 40 on the MCAT.</p>

<p>-biochem/chem grad</p>